Kuran tefsiri nedir
Kuran tefsiri nedir

For, the ambiguity of their meaning was recognized eve n in the time of the Pro-phet, without further efforts to comprehend them. Were by no means serious abstanetes to their under-standing of the Qur'an. Lman olan Arap olmayan kimseler iin bir glk Lamlar ve kelime kullanlarndan kaynaklanmadĪnlalr, Bu husus d.aha ziyade daha sonralar ms. Nnde tutulunca, ayetleri tefsir gereinin lugat an. Kur'an'n Arap diliyle vahyedilmesi ve ilk msl. Peygamber hayattaykan ayetleri e ~lgili aklamalanīizzat yaptndan, tefsir ve te'ville ilgili bir mkil Sorusu peygamberin lmnden sonra tartlmtr.

kuran tefsiri nedir kuran tefsiri nedir

~'Kur' an ayetleri tefsir edilmeli mi, edilmemeli mi?" With which the companions were unfamiliar, they The words.w.hich ater non-Arabs did not find easy. Was not due to the literal r:neaning and the usage of Their language, the need for further interpretation Pure Arabic and since the Qur'an was revealed in Had during his life answered any question in connec-Īs the vast majority of the early muslims spoke The early muslimsafter the death of the Prophet, who The problem of whether the verses of the Qur'an should be interpreted or not was first discussed by Grlerini zP.tlem~k amacyla kaleme alnmtr. s Tafsir.īu aratrma Fahreddin Razi'nin tefsiri ve nemli This paper is merely a preliminary outline for the study of Fakhr adDin ar-Raz. Islam Kltr ve FelseJ:%alannda aratrmatar bulunan Yasin CEYLAN, halen ODTU ~anc Diller Yksek Okulu Modern Diller Blmnde retim gre\lisl olarak al.m~ktadr. Ingiltere dn e-iUi Yksek Okul ve Fakltelerde okulmanlk yapt. 7heology and Tafsirin the Major Worksof Fakhr al-Din af Razi" adl teziyle dok1or oldu. 1977'de Edinburgh U niversitesi'nin Arapa ve Islami Aratrmalar Blmne kabul edildi.

kuran tefsiri nedir

1975 y~nda dok1ora yapmak zere Ingiltere'ye gitti. 1969 ylnda Diyarbakr lmam-Hatip Usesini bitirdi. "MEFATIH'UL-GAYB" TEFSIRi ZERiNE BAZI MULAHAZALARġ950 ylnda anlurfa'da dodu.

Kuran tefsiri nedir